Learn and discuss the biblical and spiritual meanings of everything
Dream about frogs biblical meaning
Our Interpretation In the book of Exodus, God sends a plague of frogs as punishment…
Dream about cockroaches biblical meaning
Our Interpretation In the Bible, certain creatures are listed as unclean (Leviticus 11), and some…
Deer biblical meaning
Our Interpretation Deer are often admired for their beauty and graceful movements. In the Song…
What is the biblical meaning of number 311
Our Interpretation 3: In the Bible, 3 sometimes symbolizes completeness or divine perfection (e.g., the…
What is the biblical meaning of dreaming of feces
Our Interpretation In the Bible, feces can symbolize spiritual uncleanliness, sin, or moral decay (e.g.,…
What does spiders mean in a dream biblically
Our Interpretation spiders are associated with the deceitfulness of the devil due to their webs…
What does 4 mean biblically
Our Interpretation The number 4 appears in significant covenants throughout the Bible. For example, the…
Werewolf biblical meaning
Our Interpretation Wolves are often portrayed as predators, representing threats and destruction. This symbolism is…
Waking up at 4am biblical meaning
Our Interpretation Quiet Time for Prayer: Since 4 am is often a quiet time, it…
Slew foot biblical meaning
Our Interpretation Slew foot uses figurative language to depict the devil’s deceptive nature. Write Your…
Seeing someone eating food in dream biblical meaning
Our Interpretation In the Bible, food often symbolizes God’s provision and blessings. Seeing someone eating…
Seeing a witch in a dream biblical meaning
Our Interpretation Seeing a witch in your dream could then symbolize feelings of being threatened…